GTH Super Solutions specialises in Self-Managed Superannuation Fund administration and compliance.
As a dedicated division, GTH Super Solutions comprises a team of superannuation accountants including four SMSF Specialist Advisors™ qualified under the Self Managed Super Fund Association (SMSFA). Our expertise, flexibility and adaptability ensure we can help our clients get the best results.
We provide a broad range of solutions including assisting with recording an appropriate investment strategy, superannuation legislation compliance, government co-contribution and audits. If there is any issue concerning your superannuation, even if not explicitly listed, please contact us. We endeavour to meet the full extent of our client's needs and are happy to discuss any matter.
Compliance Services
We can help you with annual returns, activity statements, periodic and annual financial statements and taxation of SMSFs.
Contributions and Pensions
We can help you with contribution splitting, contribution cap limits, small business CGT concessions, super guarantee, super stream and pension standards.
Fund Administrations
We can help you with trustee obligations, what you can and can’t do, estate planning and death benefit nominations.